Monday 28 November 2011

Rough Cut with feedback

After editing our video we created a rough cut version. We then showed this to our target audience who were aged between 16-25 and recorded the feedback that we had been given. This helped us as we then found out what your target audience liked and disliked about the video. We also gave them pointers to comment on such as the editing, lip sync and location. Below are the comments we received from our audience.

What did you like about the video?
-          The locations used worked well the video. Although we can tell it is taken in a school building the shot angles used attract the viewer. The main artist looks well engaged with the song which is good. It feels as if he is singing it to the audience. I also liked the first bit how you designed it like a movie.(male aged 17)

-          I liked the performance of the main artist, the dance routine worked well with the music. Also I like the effect you done when the artist playing t-pain suddenly diapered. This demonstrated the relationship between the lyrics and the visuals.  (Male aged 18)

-          The video was very good; the lip sync flew well throughout the video. I like the different shot angles used especially the low angles. I mostly liked the effect you did when the artist disappeared.  (Female aged 18)

-          I like how the video started in the beginning as it looks very professional with the Mac screen. Also the cross cutting between both artists is very good and quick. It looks like a proper music video. Well done! (Female aged 17)

-          I really enjoyed watching the dance performance when the chorus came. Also the cutting between the different locations was very good, it worked well with what was being sung at the time. I like the close-ups used of the main artist as it shows his emotion which helps make me engage with the video. I also liked the bit where the artist disappears when he is sitting on the bench; this brings a good twist to the video. (male aged 16)

-          I think the video was very good. The editing worked well as the lip sync was word perfect. I also liked the bit where the artist disappears whilst sitting on the bench. That was a good effect used. (male aged 17)

What did you not like and why?
-          One thing I think you could improve is that in one scene the lip sync is slightly out and you have left a shot for a bit too long, it would be better if you cut it with something else happening outside. Also the first shot is to long try cut it out or add other footage.(male aged 17)

-          In one of your high angle shots, it was slightly shaky towards the end. As you were moving back the camera started to shake more and more. It would be better if you added something in the first shot as it is too long  (male aged 17)

-          The video looks to plain, if you could add some more effects and transitions, it will look more professional. (female aged 18)

Vernallis Analysis: Rihanna - Man Down

At the start of the video the narrative is set in some busy place outside. It doesn’t show an exact location, as the camera mostly focuses on the people walking, but it seems like a small cottage type of area. 

Rihanna made the video “Man Down” in which her character struggles with the choice to kill her rapist. The video opens with Rihanna's character taking aim at an unarmed man, pulling the trigger and fleeing the scene. As the video's powerful narrative unfolds, it becomes clear that Rihanna's character has murdered the man who raped her. The close up of Rhianna shows her facial expression and that she is angry but upset at the same time. As she pulls out the gun you see the next shot is a man dead. This builds the narrative as it shows the Rihanna is killing the person who raped her.

Soon after the she shot of Rihanna rapist dead on the floor the camera cuts to a different location. At this point the narrative changes. You see a close-up of Rihanna being happy and smiling. The location changes to her “home town”. It seems that Rihanna is enjoying herself know as she has got revenge to what happened to her.  Here the narrative is clearly demonstrated by the visuals.

The narrative changes again when we see a shot of Rihanna in her bedroom. Here she looks upset and angry as she says “i didn’t mean to end his life, I know it wasn’t right”, the narrative widens as it shows that she knew that what she did was wrong and now she regrets doing that. She also say “i need to get it out of sight before I end up behind bars”. Here a close-up is taken of Rihanna expressing her facial expression.

The camera then cuts between rihanna in her different periods. You first see rihanna singing about how she regrets what she’s done and expresses her feelings to be very upset, the camera then cuts to another life of rihanna were she is seen to be happy. Here the narrative is purposely hidden to the viewer. This drives the video forward as it shows her life before and after what she did.

The location then changes when we get a mid close-up of Rihanna singing next to the sea. She seems to look very stressed and upset, as her face seems to be very dull. She’s says “I didn’t mean to lay him down but it’s too late to turn back now” which again shows how she regrets killing him. The narrative seems to be going back and forth reminding us of what she did to then reminding us to what he did. We are then introduced to a new location where it seems she’s in some sort of club type place where people are dancing. You then see a man approaching her and later on you see the man harassing her, pulling Rihanna’s arms towards him almost forcing her. This brings the narrative back to the man who raped Rihanna.

Throughout the last section of the narrative we see various close-ups of Rihanna and you can see that she is crying and terrible upset, when she is thrown into some sort of dark place. It builds the narrative as it shows that the man who was in the club knew she had killed a man, they might happen to be friends or relatives of some sort.  

This video clearly demonstrates Vernallis four key concepts of how the video is constructed and how the narrative is developed as the video progresses. The narrative is shown by a visual concept as before the video even starts the viewer can assume on what the video is about. It tells the story in the beginning where Rihanna shoots a man who is seen to be her rapist. The video then develops this narrative through her feelings and emotions. This is done by the various close-ups taken. 

This video consists of many jump cuts from rihanna before and after. The lyrics clearly match the visuals as when rihanna says “man down” the camera cuts to the man dying. Here the editing is very sharp and quick as there are cuts within the lyrics. The editing then becomes slower when the beat changes depending on weather it is quick or slow. 

Camera Movement & Framing
Vernallis says that in most music videos you always get various close ups. This is true in this music video as there are many close-ups shown of rihanna from her being upset to her performing her dance routine.  The camera moves in time of the lyrics and the beat. The filming of this video is mainly in the centre, this is only when there are long shots shown. When close ups are shown the frame is always to one side.

There are many repetitions of diegesis in this music video. There are subsequent scenes that cut back to each other e.g. when rihanna is singing in the bedroom and when she is signing outside in the sea. There is also repetition of close-ups to show the artists facial expression showing that they are sad and unhappy.

Friday 25 November 2011

reshoot of "Chris Brown" scence- 25 November

Today we went to film Chris Browns parts again as we weren’t happy with the first shoot. One problem we had with the old footage was that the shots were too long. When we tried to edit it looked to plain and not like a music video. We decided to shoot in more locations rather than sticking to two. We then thought about what shots would look best for certain parts of the performance. As most of video was to be shot outside, we were lucky it didn’t rain.

Who was involved- Harshiv
Contact details- 07725428754
Time- be at the park by 12:00

Health and safety- As we had to shoot some of the parts outside, we had to ensure that the conditions were right, not only for the camera man but for the performer. As there was various dance routines we had to do, i had checked the weather forecast to see if it was going to rain. This would have been unsafe as the person performing could have got injured on wet conditions. We were lucky that it didn’t rain and the conditions where dry.

Thursday 24 November 2011

Kiss Kiss Pitch


Here Is a wordle I have created including key media words that i have learnt of the year. I have included terms to do with editing and shot selection. this will refine my memory and hopefully give me ideas for different shots i can use in my music video.

Wednesday 23 November 2011

Jay Sean - Down ft. Lil Wayne

The video I have decided to analyse using Goodwin’s points is down by Jay Sean. I have chosen to analyse this video as it illustrates the relationship between lyrics and visuals, genre characteristics and tells a story of how to have a good time. I have also chosen this video as it consists of many special effect and editing techniques that will then help me gain ideas and use for my own music video. 

Music Video demonstrates genre characteristics: 
Throughout this music video there are various elements that demonstrate the music genre.  This song is based around a R&B genre, this is clearly illustrated as when the video starts to play certain effects are used like a glowing light floating in the air almost demonstrating things coming alive. This is seen at 0:17 where the camera focuses on the chandelier and some sort of star effect comes out of it. It then goes onto showing a group of people having a good time and partying. Women here are demonstrated as flaunting their body around which clearly demonstrates this genre. 

There is a relationship between lyrics and visuals:
In this video there is a definite relationship between the lyrics and the visuals. When Jay Sean says “tonight let it go and put on a show” the camera cuts to a group of people dancing and then two girls. This demonstrates the lyrics as it shows he women having a good time. Also after the dance routine Jay Sean says “come on baby bring your body next to me” at this point you then see a women walk towards jay Sean “bringing her body next to him”. Here the women are represented as a sexual figure which is demonstrated by how she walks. The lyrics in this video are demonstrated by the visuals but are not seen so easily. When jay Sean says “down down down” you don’t see anyone going down, only at one point you see jay Sean going down when performing.

There is relationship between music and visuals:
The video begins of very serious which immediately draws the viewer’s attention. At 0:12 the beat drops and starts to get faster and more upbeat. At this point you see the light traveling and going around objects which shows the relationship between the music and visuals. Also when the camera focuses on the chandelier you here the glistening sound after, this shows the music reflecting the visuals as it is a diegetic sound.  The music then continuous to get louder where there is a shot of shown of the women dancing. The base is then introduced to give a happy effect as everyone is having fun. When the music speeds up you can notice that the shots suddenly speed up reflecting the music. When jay Sean is seen dancing in the chorus, the music speeds up and the beat becomes livelier as a snare is introduced. The beat also goes up when the glowing light is shown, travelling place to place. 

The demands of the record label will include the need of lots of close up’s of the artist and the artist might develop motifs which recur across their work.
Jay Sean is represented as being the main star in the video. This is done mainly by the use of close ups used when Jay Sean is dancing. The use of close ups shows the facial expression of the artist allowing the audience to connect with the music video in a better way. It also reveals the genre of the video as it shows how happy or sad the artist is.
There is likely to be reference to voyeurism, particularly in the treatment of women, but also in terms 'in looking' e.g. screens within screens.
In this music video there is a definite reference to voyeurism to women. At 2:14 you see Jay Sean dancing with a girl. Here you can see the stereotypical view where the woman is flaunting her body to jay Sean. This is a common thing found in most music videos. Girls seem to be the center of attention revealing their sexuality.

 Overall I think this music video is very good as the special effects used fit well with the music and visuals. I mostly liked the light travelling around the room which gives a magical effect to the viewer. This video is clearly demonstrated to fit the R&B genre.

Location and Prop list

Test Shoot

On the 18/10/11 we plan to do a test shoot in one of our main locations which is the sixth from. We plan to shoot in different part of the school trying to see what shots and shot angles will be best to use.  We will also see if the lighting will be an issue and if we need to alter it on a special effects programme.  We will also shoot a few shots in the park to see where we can get the best location to suit our music video. One problem that may occur when shooting in the sixth form block is that we might be disturbed by other people in the sixth form. As we will film in places like the corridor and stairs we might get people walking back and forth. This can also be the same issue in the park as when filming a long shot we might have people in the background. As we will have some dance routines we will ensure the conditions are safe, not slippery so there will be no accidents.
We checked the weather forecast before so we could film the outside sequence. As we were shooting a dance routine we had to ensure that the conditions weren’t wet so that it was safe to perform.

Tuesday 15 November 2011

Shot List

Shot 1- close up of the artist, dancing along with the music
Shot 2- the camera will then show a mid shot of the main artist and then it will cross cut between one another
Shot3- low angle of the artist walking down the stairs whilst singing
Shot 4- close up of the artist sitting
Shot 5- the camera will once again cross cut between the two artists
Shot 6- low angle close-up of the artist walking towards the camera
Shot 7- a pan shot of the main artist singing
Shot 8- a mid shot of the artist looking in the mirror, singing to himself
Shot 9- mid shot of both the artists
Shot 10- a low angle mid shot of the feature sitting on the bench (he will then disappear)
Shot 11- mid shot of both the artists next to each other
Shot 12- pan behind the main artist as he sings to his crowd
Shot 13- a high angle shot of the feature walking down stairs
Shot 14- a long shot of the artist singing to the camera
Shot 15- close up
Shot 16- low angle
Shot 17- low angle close up of the feature
Shot 18- front fan of the main artist
Shot 19- close up of the artist signing in the booth
Shot 20- mid shot of the artist singing out the window

Sunday 6 November 2011

Artist Website Analysis

For this task we had to analyse a magazine advert cover of a chosen artist of our choice. As the song we choose for our A2 media coursework is “kiss kiss” by Chris brown, I have decided to analyse his website which will then help me create my own.

Bellow is Chris Brown’s Homepage

As soon as you view his webpage you immediately see a close-up of his face. This helps promote his image as the main focus is obviously on Chris Brown. Also “Chris Brown” is writing in a graffiti type font to help demonstrate his urban genre. As most his music is in the R&B genre this is demonstrated in his home page by the fonts and colours used. On the top right hand corner there is an option to sign up to his home page. This is so his fans can read all the recent information about him and have a preview of any new songs he is realising. Furthermore in the top left there is a link to Chris Brown’s Facebook page. Here you have the opportunity to his like his page and become member. This shows all of Chris browns fans. Opposite to this is a link to twitter where people can follow him and receive links to his new realised music.

On the left you have a drop down navigation bar. This tells you news about Chris Brown to allow all his fans to see what he’s been up two and when knew songs are being realised. Also there is a option for music, this is where people can view his recent music from individual songs to albums such as “FAME”.  The “media” option shows Chris Browns videos of his recent songs. This allows users to see and listen to his music in better quality rather than going on YouTube. The “tour option” shows where Chris Brown is performing next. This allows fans to see where Chris brown will be performing so they can buy tickets to go see him. it also allows fans to comment on the event. The “community” option allows viewers to see what people post to Chris brown and also shows the new members that have signed up. The “video and photos” option allows people to see his videos and his photos.


Under the navigation menus there is a link to Chris Brown’s recent album “FAME” this allows easy access to users to listen to his album. Bellow is like a “recent update” list where it tells you information when Chris brown will be performing next. Right at the bottom there is a “featured members” list. This allows people to become a member of the team “breezy” where they can gain access to exclusive content.